Session 2.1 - 'Gleichberechtigung für BIPoC-Künstler*innen'
Leitung: Hannah Ma, Performerin, Choreografin, Produzentin und Leonard Cruz, Performer, Choreograf, Professor für Theater und Tanz
Studio 1 - 13:00 - 13:45 Uhr
(Arbeitssprache dieser Session ist Englisch)
How can cultural justice and equality for BIPoC artists in the field of dance be achieved on a national level? What demands and support are needed?
Wie kann kulturelle Gerechtigkeit und Gleichberechtigung für BIPoC-Künstler*innen im Bereich Tanz auf nationaler Ebene erreicht werden? Welche Forderungen und Förderungen bedarf es? (© Foto: Incarda Deseyen)
Documentation of the Session
Leonard Cruz and Hannah Ma start off by giving some background information about 'Transform (D)ance'. 'Transform (D)ance' is an BIPoC International Dance Artists Initiative, founded in February 2023.
Leonard and Hannah founded it together with Nora Amin, Sandra Chatterjee, Sarah Bergh, and Ming Poon.
At the moment the structure is still being built, it will be opened up for further people to join eventually.
- Transformation of the dance field towards more justice and repair
- Targeting systematic change, confronting systematic injustice
- Gathering the knowledge of ‘Verwaltung’
- Empower migrantized people to build structures, apply for funding
- Heteronormative spaces: communicating
- Anti-Diskriminierungsgesetz doesn’t take into account funding structures, e.g. funding the gUG was very difficult
- Precondition for inclusion: Contracts in simple language, good ethics clauses
- Representation
- Possibility to curate spaces like BarCamp, Conferences, Dance Funding as BIPoCs
- Necessity for funding pot exclusively for BIPoc-artists; program needs to be created by BIPoCs!
- how to create a network for BIPoC international students/artists to support one another, to stay visible, network for one another, support one another.
- risk of getting tokenized: e.g. urban dance: when will the white gaze be tired of this aesthetic? Is it a hype? How to make it sustainable?